AWS Cloud Infrastructure Assessment Questionnaire

    Your company Details

    Your Infrastructure details

    Provide Application Technology Stack Details.

    Provide framework details if there is any.

    Provide Database Engine, Database Edition & DB License Details.

    Are you using any Analytics service for your Application?

    Are your Application hosted anywhere? If yes, Please Mention.

    Please provide security measurements of your current infrastructure if there are any.

    Monitoring system of your currently.

    Are you satisfied on the current infrastructure?

    Please fill up following information of your current Infrastructure details with Usage:

    Server Name

    No. of Servers



    Used HDD

    Unused HDD

    More Infrastructure details

    Provide application traffic management information?

    Do you have any additional Network Storage Device attached?

    Provide monthly bandwidth consumption details.

    Expected/Current concurrent users

    Expected/Current average visitor do you have on your Application

    What is the percentage distribution of Traffic in the Global Zones?

    Do you have sudden spikes in server traffic? If Yes, Please mention

    Would you like to use the payment facilities from Cloudly?

    Would you like to require 24*7 Managed Services from Cloudly?

    Any other important Application information to share?

    Let's start a quick, free consultation