With a vision to provide ‘OmniCare’ oCare is designed to help patients managing their health easier and more convenient than ever before.


oCare starts its journey with a vision to take better care of our near and dear ones, especially when they are sick. We believe that improving doctor-patient relations and proper adherence to doctors’ advice help us live better every day.

oCare will help patients achieve better treatment goals by sending reminders for important medicine doses or important doctor follow-ups, while emergency "Angel" alerts from oCare will ensure that urgent support is provided at the earliest possible time.

For the first time, every doctor will be empowered with their own patients’ data and medical records through oCare. Doctors will be able to make informed decisions with the help of archived medical records in oCare, while any emergency updates can easily be shared with their patients. Upcoming follow-up patients’ details will also be available for the doctors in the oCare calendar.

oCare, a secure and user-friendly platform that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.


Improve treatment adherence | Achieve treatment goals | Stay healthy




Medicine Reminder

Why does treatment fail?

According to Medscape:

oCare, sends dose reminder

Doctor Appointment

Up to 55% of patients missed on-time Dr. follow-up

Missing Dr. follow-up may lead to:

oCare reminds doctor follow-up

Medical Records

Patients are prone to lose their medical records

Loosing medical records may lead to:

oCare archives medical records

Circle of Care

Elderly patients require special medical attention, like:

oCare provides support even from a distant

oCare - At a glance

User Manual

oCare Install & Registration as a patient

Install & Registration as a Doctor